How are issuers (property owners) vetted?

Before any offering is approved Invown makes a reasonable effort to analyze the property and the issuer (aka owner). We verify that the person applying for funding is the property owner and has the right to offer the securities. We conduct a title, lien search and background check to [more]

By |2021-05-06T17:31:58-04:00February 28, 2021|0 Comments

Do I have to fund an entire request?

No. You may be the only investor, or you may be one of many. However, the investment does not happen until the total amount requested is funded.  Invite your friends to invest with you to close a deal. The minimum investment amount is $1,000.

By |2021-04-01T21:40:22-04:00February 28, 2021|0 Comments

What efforts are made to protect my investment?

While there is no guarantee that your investment will appreciate, Invown does take necessary precautions in the event that an owner defaults on their responsibility. A lien is placed on each property at the beginning of the agreement that will make it very difficult for the owner to sell [more]

By |2021-06-24T08:58:06-04:00February 28, 2021|0 Comments

How is the value of the property determined?

The property’s value is determined at the beginning and end of the investment term by a third-party, independent appraiser. These are the same type of appraisers used by traditional mortgage lenders. It is important to note that neither Invown nor the investors or owners choose the appraiser. The appraiser [more]

By |2021-02-28T11:55:16-05:00February 28, 2021|0 Comments